Together we are stronger

Partnership in Engineer the Future

Join us – we can use your commitment

Become part of Denmark's technological alliance, comprising technologically strong companies, educational institutions and organisations that:

  • See the lack of manpower in engineering, IT and science as a strategic challenge to ambitions for growth.
  • Wish to contribute to moving a generation in both its view of technology and science, and relevant skills acquisition.

In Engineer the Future, we ensure that you will be part of a broad effort based on knowledge, data and evaluations, where contributions from companies are actively geared up with funding from foundations.

If we are to solve the current challenges relating to climate and health, Danish businesses must stand together to ensure that more young people take a STEM education. Rambøll has been involved in Engineer the Future since 2014, and our experience is that we can achieve strong results precisely because we take joint responsibility.

- Ib Enevoldsen, CEO Rambøll Denmark

It works

Every year, we reach approx. 60,000 students in primary and secondary schools with our school-oriented activities. Every day of the year, schools and colleges across the country are visited by one of our role models, and half of all young people aged between 15-24 see our campaigns several times a year. Data and evaluations show that it works.

With our efforts based on the engineering as teaching method, 61% of students in primary and secondary schools become more motivated for science subjects and 71% learn new things.

50% of the students who meet our role models in high school, and 24% of the young people who see our study selection campaign become more interested in an education in engineering, IT and science.

Read more about what you can get out of a partnership.

Want to hear more?

We would be delighted to tell you more about our work. Write to or call 2388 4492 for a no obligations chat about the alliance and what you could get out of a partnership.

We are more than happy to answer questions about the alliance


Lise Brennum

Projektleder & partneransvarlig


Sara Rosendal


  • Schneider RGB 400Px
  • AU-Aarhus Universitet
  • DI-Dansk Industri
  • Sedgwick
  • AAU-Aalborg Universitet
  • VIA-University College
  • EWH-Engineering World Health ved DTU
  • Pf-Polyteknisk forening
  • Niras
  • PPlus
  • Weibel
  • Bankdata 150X300